Thursday, September 8, 2011

Is There a Tiger Chasing You?

I'd sure hope not.  If there is, I cannot help you. 

If not, your body might be thinking there is!

Our body treats all stress the same.

For example, if you're stressed about work, a personal relationship, money, or anything else...the hormones produced are the same that would be produced if you were to encounter a large angry jungle cat!  This is often referred to as the "fight or flight" response.  It is designed to be an emergency response, not a regular state of being!! 

When we are chronically over-stressed, it causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.  Sound like anyone you know?  Other effects of chronic elevated stress levels are inhibited digestion, poor immune function, ADD, anxiety, weight gain, fatigue, infertility, impotence, insomnia, addiction, depression, dehydration, blood sugar fluctuations/diabetes, and on and on...

Any of these conditions sound familiar?  Probably.  We are currently the least healthy industrialized society, by a wide margin.  Our life expectancy? Around 40th.  Overall health?  Below Cuba, somewhere in the low 30's.  Far below the other industrialized nations of Europe and Asia, Canada, and Australia.

An over-production of stress hormones can also cause an under-production of other, essential, hormones the body needs of optimal function.  Testosterone, DHEA, Progesterone, etc... are all hormones that can be reduced when stress hormones are over-produced.  Everyone probably knows someone who has been diagnosed with some kind of thyroid condition.  Hormone imbalance.

A few things in our everyday lives that cause over-production of stress hormones:
  • Poor Nutrition
  • Mental, Emotional, and/or Spiritual Stress
  • Skipping Meals
  • Stimulants & Sugar
  • Improper Sleep
  • Exposure to Toxins, Chemicals, Drugs, etc...
  • Temperature/Environmental Stress
  • Inappropriate Exercise  (Bootcamps, Running, Intense Circuit Training, etc...for those who already have high stress levels)
  • Dehydration
  • Electromagnetic Pollution (Cell phones, Electronics, etc...)
On Tuesday, I discussed feeding the body properly, reducing mental & emotional stress, and making sure that the body is properly hydrated.  Tomorrow we'll discuss the importance of adequate sleep, appropriate exercise for your body, and the mistake of calorie-restriction and skipping meals!

As always, I welcome all questions and comments!!  About to take down some grass-fed beef and lentil soup for a mid-morning snack.

Mmmmm.  Food.

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