Friday, September 30, 2011

Tricks and Supplements...

Okay, before I even get into this, I'd like to make a statement on supplements.

1)  95% of supplements on the market are complete garbage.  Many will do more harm than good.  This goes for protein powders, power bars, vitamins, and just about anything else you'll see at a GNC, Walgreen's, etc...

2)  Supplementation only does ANYTHING if you have everything else in order.  If you are eating poorly, not sleeping properly, dehydrated, stressed-out, etc... taking supplements will do very little for you at all.  The ONLY reason I am taking so many supplements (which I will discuss) is because I am attempting to achieve OPTIMAL health, and am already eating a nearly perfect diet, and doing everything else listed in the previous emails.  Also - these have specific purposes/uses to help me achieve my goals.

That being said, I figured I'd do a post on the supplements I am taking, as well as some tricks I learned to lower Iron absorption.  For those without this condition, you likely don't have to worry about lowering Iron levels, so don't worry about that end of things.

  • NutriHarmony -  In my opinion, the best vitamin, etc... company in the world.  All ingredients are beyond organic, very minimally processed, and made from REAL food!!  No synthetic crap here!  Learn More Here!
    • Multi-Vitamin
    • Life-Code - The very materials that our DNA is made of, the only product of it's kind on the market.
    • Calcium - At night, for optimal sleep, repair, and hormone balance. Also may lower Iron absorption.
    • Non-GMO, Fermented Soy - Again, optimal hormone balance and rest, at night.  MOST SOY FOODS ARE DETRIMENTAL TO HEALTH, AND I DO NOT RECOMMEND CONSUMING THEM.  This product has been specially processed and grown organically
  • BioImmersion- Incredible "therapeutic foods", made from plants, and laboratory tested for effectiveness.  The best probiotics, and plant-based "therapeutic" products I have found! LEARN MORE HERE!
    • Garlic - Organic, freeze-dried, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic, anti-viral, etc...
    • Cruciferous Sprouts Complex - Shown to improve detoxification & liver function
    • Chlorella - Nature's original food.  Among other things, it cleans the blood.
    • Triple Berry Probiotic -  Probiotics should be a part of any healthy diet. 
    • Chromium - From beets.  Helps control blood sugar and may lower Iron absorption.
  • Great Lakes Gelatin - Very easily absorbed source of anti-inflammatory protein.  It can be added to shakes, smoothies, soups, stews, teas, etc... absolutely any liquid.  Helps joints, hair, skin, nails, etc... and helps any condition which produces inflammation.  LEARN MORE HERE!
  • Essential Oils - I love Young Living essential oils, and use them for just about anything you could think of!  They are all-natural, therapeutic-grade essential oils, and have been proven effective for a wide number of conditions.  I am using one called JuvaFlex for liver support, and use others on a daily basis to help strengthen my immune system, reduce stress, improve sleep, deepen spiritual experiences, clean around the house, and countless other things.  LEARN MORE HERE!
Lowering Iron Absorption
First off, I'd like to thank Nina Campagna, a student at the National University of Health Sciences.  She is studying to be a Naturopathic Doctor, and well on her way ~ in my opinion.  Thanks for sharing this useful information with me!!
  • Black TeaHas been shown to inhibit iron absorption.  I have purchased THE most delicious tea I've ever had from Arbor Teas.  I specifically recommend the organic, decaffeinated cinnamon black tea!! 
  • Calcium - Some studies have shown that calcium inhibits iron absorption.  (SEE CALCIUM SUPPLEMENT ABOVE)
  • Chromium- Competes with the same receptors as Iron, may lower Iron absorption.
I've also stopped (unfortunately) using my cast Iron pan, as it has been shown to impart large levels of iron into the body.  It's a shame, because that thing makes some tasty food!

In addition, I am attempting to get more of my protein from non-inflammatory sources (lower in Iron, also) from broth (beef, chicken, etc...), gelatin,  NutriHarmony Whey Protein (the only whey protein I would ever recommend or consume), and grass-fed raw dairy products!

So that's the supplements and strategies for lowering my Iron levels and helping my body reach optimal health levels!!  Hope it helped you people with hemochromatosis!! 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

SuperHumans are NOT Starving.

No Pain, No Gain!
She is not SuperHuman

Calories In vs. Calories Out

No Carb Diet

Fat-Free Diet

Recognize any of these?  I'm sure you do.  These are all very common phrases and concepts in the "health" and "fitness" industry.  What do they all have in common?

Well...simply put, they're all a bunch of crap. 

Pain is not good.  Exercising until you are fatigued is one thing.  If something HURTS, that is your body telling you to stop doing it.  This is a fantastic way to blow out a knee, sprain an ankle, or throw out a back.  Intense exercise also produces a ton of stress for the body.  If you aren't eating properly, sleeping adequately, etc... (See earlier post on stress), then this type of exercise will be detrimental to your health. 

What is a "calorie"?  Have you ever seen one?  Tasted one?  Is 50 calories of Twinkie the same as 50 calories of Apple?  Organizations like Weight Watchers told us for DECADES that a calorie is a calorie is a calorie.  This is ridiculous.  They have since changed their tune, admitted their fault, and completely re-done the way they advise people to "diet". 

When you starve yourself (calorie restriction, missing meals, etc...), your body produces cortisol (stress hormone), which slows your metabolism, inhibits digestion, causes inflammation, breaks down muscle, negatively effects sleep, and so on and so forth....   Does this sound healthy?  No. 

I don't mean you should stuff yourself, absolutely not.  Eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly, eat until you BEGIN to feel full, then stop.  5 minutes later you will be full, your food will digest well, and you will get maximium nutrition from your food.  Don't swallow meals whole, eat while you're driving, or eat until you're going to explode.  If you are eating real food, you will get full from less food.  Your body will tell you when you are full and you should stop eating.  This is a very simple process, not some complicated equation.

Carbs are bad, right?  Some, yes.  Fat is bad, right?  Yes, some.  So to become SuperHuman, would one avoid eating carbs or fats?  No.  But you said....

Again, this is not complicated.  Fruits and vegetables are "carbs".  Most people don't even realize this.  Fruit and vegetables are good.  (Organic, free of poison)  Don't cook them too much, and always make a point to eat some raw fruits and veggies on a daily basis.  Grains, contrary to popular belief, should NOT be the base of a healthy diet.  In fact, many grains (wheat, barley, rye, etc...) contain a protein compound called Gluten.  This stuff is bad for most people, and causes a list of problems longer than this entire post.  So are some carbs bad?  Yes.  But some are essential (fruit & veggies).

What about fat?  If you eat fat, you get fat, right?  No.  But eating saturated fat raises your cholesterol levels, right?  No.  There is no conclusive evidence that shows a connection between saturated fat (animal fat, coconut oil, etc...) and cholesterol levels.  To take that a step further, there is no conclusive evidence that proves elevated cholesterol to be the cause of heart attacks.  What?!  But my doctor said....

Yes, your doctor told you cholesterol and saturated fat will kill you.  Your doctor is only educated in pharmacology, not nutrition.  Drug companies pay MILLIONS of dollars to doctors in gifts, sponsorships, etc...  The "cholesterol danger" is a sham. 

There are "bad" fats, yes.  Hydrogenated oils are poison.  Vegetable oils, corn oils, soybean oil, canola, grapeseed, etc.... I wouldn't recommend eating any of those oils if you would like to become superhuman.

I would recommend a healthy dose of grass-fed, organic, raw butter, coconut oil, ghee (more on that later), and healthy fats from HEALTHY animals.  These fats are ESSENTIAL for optimal health.  A SuperHuman eats super animals.  Only makes sense, right? 

Another post soon....I apologize for the delay.  I was out of town at a conference for 4 days, and then life got in the way.  Slowly but surely, we'll get the whole plan down and get into some more details.

Monday, September 12, 2011

A Good Night's Rest.....Essential for Health.


Happy Monday!!  First off, I must admit...I was at the Bears game yesterday (I'm a season ticket holder), and I ate some food that is NOT part of my SuperHuman program.  I value honesty, so I wasn't going to hide it from those following my blog.  It's not like I ate anything completely terrible, like fast food or highly-processed garbage food, but I strayed from my 100% organic goal. 

Needless to say, I can feel it today.  I feel almost hungover, and I didn't have one sip of alcohol.  Interesting how strong the body's reaction is to improper nutrition once it begins to clean itself out!!

Ok, on to the good stuff for today... I am going to touch on the value of sleep, and proper exercise. 

Our bodies operate on a number of natural cycles and rhythms.  The main one pertaining to sleep is the Cirdadian Rhythm, and involves our relationship to the Sun and Moon.  Our bodies are designed to sleep from around 9 or 10pm until around 6am.  The further we stray from that, in either direction, the more it will effect our health.  It took me MONTHS to get back to this rhythm after almost a decade in the restaurant and bar industry.  I know that I felt 5x better immediately upon getting this rhythm back into place.

Our bodies (and brains) also heal and grow stronger while we sleep.  This is essential to increasing strength, becoming more lean, losing weight, increasing our metabolism, finding relief from chronic aches and pains, and preventing chronic illness.  Studies have show that working an overnight shift literally takes years off one's life!!  I will discuss, in later posts, some tips on improving sleep, and many more details about the importance. 

My goal during these 171 days is to be in bed by 10pm, asleep by 10:30, and awake between 6:00 and 6:30am, at least 90% of the time.  Dimming lights, avoiding TV and computer late at night, using candles, certain breathing exercises, and meditation are all ways to increase production of "night time" hormones, which will help you fall asleep.  (And will make for quality sleep)

Proper Movement
Movement is life.  There is no way for a completely sedentary individual to achieve optimal health.  I'm sorry.  I don't make the rules.  We are designed to move.  Now it is how we move that determines our results (both internally and with our outward appearance) in regards to exercise.  Like we spoke about last time, the production of stress hormones is detrimental to our health on a number of levels. Therefore, I do NOT advocate spending hours on the treadmill, doing intense bootcamp style workouts, spin class, or anything else of that manner...unless you are a well-conditioned athlete with proper posture, form, technique.  Also, to benefit from this type of training requires a quality diet, optimal hydration, quality sleep, and low overall stress-levels.  Then someone's body can handle, and adapt to, the added stress.

For most people, they do not fit all these criteria.  Since one of the glaring symptoms/problems presented by this hemochromatosis has been fatigue and general lack of energy, I am not going to jump straight into that type of training.  I am focusing on walking my dog every day (we walk through Fermi Lab, where they smash atoms!), practicing yoga, some corrective exercise, core strengthening, zone exercises (energy cultivation), and light activity such as kayaking, canoeing, etc...  I will work my way up to more intense training, but I do not recommend that anyone participate in running, circuit training, bootcamps, etc... unless they take care of everything else and have built a strong foundation!

WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE YOU ARE GOING TO DIE, STOP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING.  Proper movement should leave you feeling more energy than you had prior to the exercise.  You should not feel like your heart is going to explode, or that you may lose your lunch!!  This is an outdated mentality which does more harm than good!! 

Next Time:  Fad Diets, Calorie Restriction, and Balancing Meals!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Is There a Tiger Chasing You?

I'd sure hope not.  If there is, I cannot help you. 

If not, your body might be thinking there is!

Our body treats all stress the same.

For example, if you're stressed about work, a personal relationship, money, or anything else...the hormones produced are the same that would be produced if you were to encounter a large angry jungle cat!  This is often referred to as the "fight or flight" response.  It is designed to be an emergency response, not a regular state of being!! 

When we are chronically over-stressed, it causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.  Sound like anyone you know?  Other effects of chronic elevated stress levels are inhibited digestion, poor immune function, ADD, anxiety, weight gain, fatigue, infertility, impotence, insomnia, addiction, depression, dehydration, blood sugar fluctuations/diabetes, and on and on...

Any of these conditions sound familiar?  Probably.  We are currently the least healthy industrialized society, by a wide margin.  Our life expectancy? Around 40th.  Overall health?  Below Cuba, somewhere in the low 30's.  Far below the other industrialized nations of Europe and Asia, Canada, and Australia.

An over-production of stress hormones can also cause an under-production of other, essential, hormones the body needs of optimal function.  Testosterone, DHEA, Progesterone, etc... are all hormones that can be reduced when stress hormones are over-produced.  Everyone probably knows someone who has been diagnosed with some kind of thyroid condition.  Hormone imbalance.

A few things in our everyday lives that cause over-production of stress hormones:
  • Poor Nutrition
  • Mental, Emotional, and/or Spiritual Stress
  • Skipping Meals
  • Stimulants & Sugar
  • Improper Sleep
  • Exposure to Toxins, Chemicals, Drugs, etc...
  • Temperature/Environmental Stress
  • Inappropriate Exercise  (Bootcamps, Running, Intense Circuit Training, etc...for those who already have high stress levels)
  • Dehydration
  • Electromagnetic Pollution (Cell phones, Electronics, etc...)
On Tuesday, I discussed feeding the body properly, reducing mental & emotional stress, and making sure that the body is properly hydrated.  Tomorrow we'll discuss the importance of adequate sleep, appropriate exercise for your body, and the mistake of calorie-restriction and skipping meals!

As always, I welcome all questions and comments!!  About to take down some grass-fed beef and lentil soup for a mid-morning snack.

Mmmmm.  Food.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Will you be able to fly!?

Day 23 of 171  -  6lb reduction in body fat ~ Energy at least 50% higher ~ Still no ability to levitate.

So What IS SuperHuman?!

Am I going to learn to fly?  Hopefully, probably not.  The skydiver in me would argue that I already can fly.

Will I achieve ultra strength?  Possibly, probably not.  I will, however, be much stronger than I was when I started.

X-Ray vision?! As interesting as it would be... this is very unlikely.

Simply put, I am going to give my body everything it needs to heal itself of almost anything, and through this I will achieve optimal health and a near SuperHuman physical condition.  I feel the body is capable of healing itself of almost anything if given the proper nutrition, hydration, rest, focus, movement, and so on...  I'm going to share with you some of my general plans, and will expand on them going forward.  As a general rule, I recommend to follow these guidelines 80% of the time.  If you do so, your body will be able to absorb the other 20%.  To become SuperHuman, I am adhering as close to 100% as I can.  If you choose to do so, I promise that you will be very happy with the results.

For the record, these are in no particular order.  Each aspect of becoming SuperHuman is equally important.

1) State of Mind - Often overlooked when one is looking to improve their health, lose weight, battle a chronic condition, or achieve optimal performance.  Negative thoughts and emotions DO cause responses in the body (increased heart rate, production of stress hormones, etc...), which can cause negative physical effects.  Guess what! This means that a clear mind, positive thoughts, and a reduction in stress can cause POSITIVE physical effects!!  Stress is the #1 cause of poor health.  To improve my state of mind, I am focusing on meditation, personal development, and yoga.  Avoiding the news, negative people, and negative/stressful situations have also become part of my daily routine.

2) Feed the Body Properly - Most of what we find in a modern grocery store is not food.  A good friend and colleague of mine refers to this as "phude". (Thanks John WelchChemicals, pesticides, fungicides, additives, preservatives, antibiotics, hormones, steroids, and synthetic flavorings are not food.  These things all have negative effects on a person's health, cause strain on their body (especially the liver, which is effected by hemochromatosis), and will prevent someone from achieving optimal health.  To become SuperHuman, I am avoiding these "phudes" and consuming entirely organic fruits and vegetables, grass-fed and free-range organic meats, raw grass-fed organic dairy products, and occasional organic rice, beans, and seeds.  Some so-called "health" foods are actually bad for most people's bodies, and are therefore being avoided.  (soy, processed dairy, and wheat, for example)  In addition, I am not consuming alcohol, caffeine, or any other drug (including over-the-counter and prescription meds) for the duration of this project.

3) Your Body is Made of Water - We are made up of over 70% water.  Not Coke, Pepsi, Gatorade, Vitamin Water, Kool-Aid, or any other acidic, sugar-laden chemical concoction.  There are some who believe that chronic dehydration can cause just about every known chronic health problem!  I personally drink what I feel to be the best water on the planet.  Alkalized, Ionized Kangen water.  It is used in over 200 hospitals in Japan, and is structured to mimic our ancestral glacial water springs, such as the one in Lourdes, France.  In absence of this water, I would recommend a quality artesian or spring water.  Tap water is filled with drugs, chemicals (including very toxic chlorine and fluoride), and other things which your body doesn't like.  Most experts recommend consuming at least half your body weight (lbs) in ounces, daily.  For example, if you weigh 150lbs, that means 75oz. of quality water.  To become SuperHuman, I am drinking my entire body weight in ounces, every day, of the best water available anywhere on the planet.

As to not get long-winded, I will keep it at just 3 topics today.  There will be daily posts this week, covering 3 more SuperHuman topics each day.  Once finished, each will be expanded upon, along with occasional attempts at humor and entertainment!

Feedback is much appreciated! I wish you all a glorious Tuesday....see you tomorrow.