Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mind Over Matter....For Real...

Scientists have recently proven that DNA can be altered by words and frequencies.  This has been widely believed by those into energy healing, Eastern medicine, or any other form of traditional healing....but now it's been proven!


Did you know that cancer patients who, when first diagnosed, develop a negative/pessimistic outlook die at a much greater rate than those who keep a positive/optimistic outlook?

You don't have cancer?  Well, that's good.  So what does this mean for you, and for my journey to the realms of SuperHuman?  It means that your thoughts, words, and state of mind can LITERALLY change your body, from the inside.  If you have recently started to eat healthier, maybe exercise a little bit, go to bed earlier, or have adopted any of the other basic guidelines I've put forth ~ you know that results are not immediate.  Lifestyle changes, which lead to permanent changes in your body and your health, take time to develop and require the right mindset.

A client of mine once shared this story, about our obsession with immediate gratification:

"I told a co-worker of mine how I'd lost all this weight by eating organic, exercising, etc... and he said 'I ate an organic meal last week, didn't feel any different, I think it's a bunch of nonsense'".  I am, of course, paraphrasing...but you get the point.  Eating one meal of healthy food is not going to alter your life. 

It is essential to envision what you want, in life and in health, believe as if you already have it, and go out everyday to do the things that will lead to you actually having it.  The belief that the weight will come off, the blood pressure will go down, the blood sugar will get under control is JUST as important as the actions that you take to lead to these outcomes.

You can eat healthy, work out, go to bed earlier, etc... but if you are completely negative all the time "I'll never lose this weight", etc..... then you are working against yourself!  Every single extremely successful person in my life has told me the same thing. 

It's all about mindset.  I know I already touched on this in the original post ~ but I feel it's worth repeating.  And since I found that really cool article about DNA, I wanted to share it with you.

Hope you check it out!

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